1·Frost Protection: It is important to choose a cultivar that is hardy in your area.
2·Use: Creates a cauldron that raid members can use to conjure a Major Frost Protection Potion.
3·Frost protection thermostats protect against freezing and flow sensors provide information on the condition and performance of blowers.
4·When and how does frost pose a risk to grape production? Evaluate the different methods of frost protection available to the grape grower.
5·According to Roy, the nocturnal warming effect could offer farmland some measure of frost protection and may even slightly extend the growing season.
6·(of plants) requiring protection from frost.
7·Measures for protection to frost are proposed, including selecting favorable topography and frost-resistant cultivars, smoking and summer pruning.
8·It may also provide drainage and give added protection against frost action when necessary.
9·Fill the cooling system with antifreeze as a protection against frost.